⭐ Docker Volume

⭐ Docker Volume

Image courtesy: https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1200/1*xONk464vW-xNYxzE_HsSkw.png

✔Method 1: Creating volume using a Docker file

  1. Create a dockerfile with the following contents:

     FROM ubuntu  #base image
     VOLUME ["/myvolume"] #creating a volume
  2. Run the docker file and create an image

     docker build -t myimage . 
     # creates an image from the dockerfile present in the current directory, "." signifies current directory
  3. Create and run a container from the image created:

     docker run -it --name myc1 myimage /bin/bash

    We can see a directory named "myvolume" this is the newly created volume.

  4. Now lets create another container "myc2"

    Note: We have to share the volume while creating the container.

     docker run -it --name myc2 myimage --privileged=true --volumes-from myc1 ubuntu /bin/bash
     #specify new container name, image name, volume from which container, base image


    We can see the volume "myvolume1" here. Lets create some files and then check if they are visible from "myc1" volume.

  5. Running container "myc1" :

    We can see that the files created in container 2 are visible in container 1 and vice versa.

✔Method 2: Creating Volumes directly by commands

  1. Create container with volume using the following command:

     docker run -it --name myc3 -v /volume2 ubuntu /bin/bash
     #myc3- container name
     #volume2 - volume name

  2. Run the command for creating container 4 and sharing the volume created in container 3:

    We can see that files created in the volume are visible in container 4 as well.

✔Volumes: Host to Container

In my case I have installed Docker on EC2 instance so host is EC2 instance

Lets share volumes between container and host:

docker run -it --name host_container -v /home/ec2-user:/akshata --privileged=true ubuntu /bin/bash
# /home/ec2-user is the host directory and "akshata" - name of directory inside container


We can see files created in ec2-user directory are visible in the container and vice-versa.

Thus we have learned how to create volumes in 2 ways, through Docker file as well by the command line.

Let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions or questions. Feel free to reach out. Thank you!